Tuesday 19 May 2015

Teacher Training in Chiclayo - Day 1

Well, without a laptop I am unable to share photos with you, but let me share our first day of training in Chiclayo. Today we met with 19 of the most talented teachers I have met. We spent the day showing them the model we use in Canada and they showed us what they do. Our training has now become an open exchange of ideas between colleagues. Amazing!

Tomorrow each student does their first mini lesson. We are excited to see what they come up with.

The city of Chiclayo is known as the city of friendship and it has certainly lived up to that name. The people we have met are so helpful. The biggest surprise is the amazing food. Peruvians will tell you they invented ceviche. I don,t know if that is true but I can tell you it is the best ceviche I have ever had.

Maybe tomorrow I will have a laptop and if I do I will share some images of daily life in Chiclayo.

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