DACUM is a short form for Designing a Curriculum but it really is not a full out curriculum design process. It is better described as a very functional and simple to facilitate job analysis process for a skill based course related to a specific job in competency based instruction. We will be doing a DACUM to help design the new Agricultural Technician program in Chiclayo Peru. This video gives you more background on how a job task analysis fits into the overall needs assessment process.

DACUM is one of three types of job analysis processes that are commonly used. The two day workshop with the focus group is only the first step in the process toward getting the final product for the curriculum you are designing.

Here is what you do. Assemble a small focus group of five to seven known experts in the job that you are trying to define for your curriculum. Managers will know who is the best at what they do and direct supervisors and peers as well.

In two days using large cards, work with the focus group to help them define the job itself, the main parts of the job and the tasks related to each part of the job. Experts are also able to help you make a list of the skills, attitudes, knowledge and tools needed to perform a job well. Here is DACUM chart that will result after a two day process. This chart can then be used to move on to design the curriculum.

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