Tuesday 5 January 2016

Saturday 23 May 2015

Signing off from Peru

We have finished our teacher training and are working on the DACUM to help create new curriculum for Irrigation Technicians in these massive farm projects. Monday evening we leave for Canada. An interesting journey and we have met some amazing hard working people who really care about their region and their country. Large multi-national companies are driving the huge irrigation projects that allow farming in what is essentially a desert. Once they drain the Amazon I imagine these companies will move on to another Eco system - for me a disturbing situation.

Below are students from the technology school in Chiclayo where we are working. They process honey and sell it as part of their school project along with eggs and other items that are produced at the school.

Out of range now so signing off from Chiclayo, the city of friendship in Peru.

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Teacher Training in Chiclayo - Day 1

Well, without a laptop I am unable to share photos with you, but let me share our first day of training in Chiclayo. Today we met with 19 of the most talented teachers I have met. We spent the day showing them the model we use in Canada and they showed us what they do. Our training has now become an open exchange of ideas between colleagues. Amazing!

Tomorrow each student does their first mini lesson. We are excited to see what they come up with.

The city of Chiclayo is known as the city of friendship and it has certainly lived up to that name. The people we have met are so helpful. The biggest surprise is the amazing food. Peruvians will tell you they invented ceviche. I don,t know if that is true but I can tell you it is the best ceviche I have ever had.

Maybe tomorrow I will have a laptop and if I do I will share some images of daily life in Chiclayo.

Sunday 3 May 2015

All About Chiclayo

Hi everyone. Below is a map of Peru that is public domain to share. Chiclayo is a small town in the north west area of the country. It was first settled in 1720. Chiclayo produces sugarcane, cotton and rice. The purpose of our trip here is to teach instructors and develop curriculum for a new program that will provide work to many men and women in a new agricultural process  

Here is a link to more specific information about the city http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/110723/Chiclayo

Hola. Aqui esta un mapa de Peru. Chiclayo, donde vamos, es una ciudad en el norte del pais. Chiclayo estaba fundado en 1720. Algodón, caña de azúcar y arroz son los productos de esta region. Vamos aqui para ensenar instructores y desorollar curricula para una nueva programma en agricultura.

Check out the weather in Chiclayo  http://www.timeanddate.com/weather/peru/chiclayo

What time is it in Chiclayo? http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/peru/chiclayo

Friday 1 May 2015

All About Me

Hi everyone. My name is Susan Byrne and I am an instructor at Brock University in St. Catherine's, Ontario - although I live in Victoria, B.C. I have been teaching and designing courses for Brock since 2000. I have been a faculty member at the Business School at St. Clair College and a faculty developer for ISW (Instructional Skills Workshop) model for post-secondary instruction.

This semester I am teaching three courses for Brock - online. I am also going to be travelling to Chiclayo Peru to do some faculty training and a needs assessment for building curriculum. I will keep you updated with pictures as I meet 12 new college instructors. 



Hola! Mi nombre es Susan Byrne y soy una professora en la universidad de Brock en la cuidad de St. Catharine's en Canada. Vivo en la cuidad de Victoria en British Columbia. He sido enseñando y creando cursos desde que 2000. Enseñe en la facultad de negocios en St. Clair College y también era una desarollada de instructores para el modelo (TDI) (Taller de Destrezzas de Instrucción) en colegios y las universidades.

En Mayo y Junio estoy ensenañdo tres cursos a Brock - en el internet. También. voy a enseñar doce professores en Chiclayo Peru y después, voy a analysar un empleo para crear una curricula. Voy a notificarlos cada día con photos y mi piensamentos.

Hasta Luego!